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Make your own homemade herbal syrups for cough

homemade herbal syrups …Around the world in the cold season, many people suffer from the inevitable sore throat, which in this article we will introduce you to syrups and home remedies

Natural cough syrups that you can make at home with herbal methods and traditional medicine

Herbal cough syrup with honey and apple cider vinegar:

Combine one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, one-eighth of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and one-eighth of a teaspoon of ginger powder.

Put this syrup at room temperature or if you want to heat it in the microwave for a few minutes.

Then apply it directly to your throat; You can also enjoy this hot drink.

If you do not feel sick, do not worry, you can use this combination to prevent colds.

Pineapple and ginger cough syrup:

When you see the first signs of a cough or sore throat, immediately prepare a pineapple antibiotic syrup that is both effective and delicious.

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Combine, then boil a little and get a dilute syrup and then keep it in the refrigerator.

Cough syrup honey and thyme:

Honey in syrup is soothing and thyme in it also enhances these health properties. Thyme is a powerful antimicrobial that helps with external and respiratory infections.

To start, make some boiling water and add a piece of thyme to it and then wait for about 10 minutes, until it cools completely and then take the thyme out of the mixture and then add some honey to it and put it in a glass. Pour clean. You can use it for 2 months or store it in the refrigerator and consume it when necessary.

Cough syrup of ginger, honey and lemon:

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the lemon juice.

Pour a cup of water into the pan and add a quarter cup of ginger pieces.

Add one and a half to two tablespoons of lemon juice, then bring to a boil and let cool for 5 minutes.

Pour a cup of raw honey into the pan and let it heat over a low flame, then add the ginger and finally let it cool and store in a glass in the refrigerator.

Glycerin cough syrup, honey and lemon:

Raw honey, fresh lemon juice, some oral glycerin, measuring cups, a bowl and a jar to hold the syrup. First, pour a quarter cup of glycerin into a bowl, then add honey and lemon juice and pour into a glass. Take a tablespoon of this syrup every few hours.

  • Store these homemade cough syrups in the refrigerator. They stay healthy for several months.
  • You can also add other ingredients such as onion, garlic and cayenne pepper to all the above recipes.

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