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A Diet Confuses Mind And Brain

Tokba – A diet confuses mind … Most people think about the effect of food on the body but do not consider the effect on the mind. As you know and experience, the body changes a lot by changing the diet, but the food we eat also changes our immune response, changes mood, and the ability to optimize information over time. Subject to change.

This is because energy consumption affects the body and the mechanism of energy transfer from food to neurons is effective in controlling brain function.

It is recommended to reduce the foods used in the Western diet. The Western diet is a diet high in saturated fat and low in fiber.

Processed foods such as white bread, packaged foods and cheese are widely used, making your food an unhealthy food. The Western diet not only causes diseases such as cancer, but also reduces mental function and causes inflammation and unhealthy microbiome.

Inflammation is an immune response that is triggered when the body senses danger. Inflammation occurs in very small amounts in the body, but can cause long-term cell damage or even damage to an organ.

The effect of stomach contents on emotions and thoughts

Hormones and substances in the stomach also greatly affect our emotions. Due to genetic diversity, microbiome levels can also cause mental health problems, anxiety, stress, and sleep deprivation.

Probiotic supplements have a huge impact on the mind. Only foods that contain natural probiotics, such as yogurt, can make a difference in the mind.

Aside from genetics, eating a variety of foods, such as whole grains, cannot balance good bacteria.

So, we conclude that if you leave out the Western diet, which is the same as the high-fat diet, you will definitely experience a better mental and emotional state. You should also use substances such as fruits and vegetables for mental health.

The best and worst foods for the brain

What are the best foods for the brain?

Omega-3 fatty acids are a building block of the brain. Omega-3s have a protective role against Alzheimer’s disease.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish such as salmon, fish, nuts and seeds.

Fruits like raspberries have many benefits for the brain. They contain antioxidants that help cleanse the body and brain of harmful substances.

What foods are the worst?

Processed sugars, packaged foods and chocolate also disrupt brain function.

A few tips related to proper brain nutrition

You need to stick to a good diet for your brain in the long run and experience positive results in the long run so do not expect to eat better for tomorrow’s exam by eating a blueberry.

Foods that are good for the heart also have many benefits for the brain.

The Mediterranean diet is one of the best diets for the brain and heart.

Natural omega-3 sources, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains, are also good for brain and heart health.

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