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Nowruz is a celebration of birth and rebirth and the end of winter

Nowruz, or Persian New Year, is commonly associated with Iran, but Nowruz is celebrated in other countries, including Afghanistan, Central and South Asia, among Kurds throughout the Middle East, and even in parts of the Balkans and Tanzania.

Nowruz is a celebration of birth and rebirth and the end of winter, the flourishing of the earth, an ancient festival that marks the arrival of spring.

Nowruz dates back to 3000 years ago and is an ancient ritual of Zoroastrian Iranians.

Iranians tradition Iranians for Nowruz called the Haft-e-Sin table, which is made up of seven elements, all of which begin with the letter “s”. Green in the sense of rebirth, Elm in the sense of love, apple in the sense of health and beauty, garlic in the sense of health, semno in the sense of wealth and fertility, vinegar in the sense of longevity and sumac in the symbol of the beginning of a new day. Next to these seven mirror elements are goldfish, vinegar and flowers such as lavender.

On Nowruz night, Iranians are with their families and eat New Year’s Eve dinner, which is usually vegetable pilaf with white fish. Noodle soup is also a common dish for celebrating Iranian Nowruz.


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